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Pellissippi State



Admissions Login - New User


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I am ready to start my application to Pellissippi State...

  • Begin the application process by creating a unique login and PIN number. This will be different than your PSCC username/password and will only be used for applying to Pellissippi State. If you’ve previously applied, you can make a different admissions application login ID and PIN. If you receive an error message stating that you have the admissions application login ID already exists, please choose a different admissions application login ID. Once your application is processed, you will receive a letter by postal mail with instructions for accessing myPellissippi. This is where you can check on the status of your application and complete outstanding requirements.
  • Your Login ID can be up to nine letters and/or numbers. Do not use your Social Security Number as your login ID. This is not your PSCC PNumber and/or PSCC username and should be different.
  • Your PIN must be six digits (numbers).
  • Within 3 business days of receiving your application, your Login ID may be used to find your Pellissippi ID number (P Number) and username. Keep it in a safe place.

Already started an admissions application and need to finish it? Go here to login using the username and PIN you already created.

Your PIN can be up to 15 numeric characters. Minimum 6 numeric characters are required. Enter your PIN again to verify it and then select Login. Your Login ID and PIN will be saved.

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Release: TBR: 1.4